The Quake City Portal
The Quake City Portal features people from all walks of life. The intention is to have mindful conversations to inspire curiosity, creativity, and our explorative spirit. To help uncover the natural resilience within ourselves from all that is seen and unseen. To help each other become self-reliant individuals so that we may contribute in our own unique ways to the kaleidoscopic human experience.

Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
What is it about our collections that take up spaces in our lives?
Meet Chino - The owner of the largest sneaker collection I’ve ever seen.
He comes all the way to us from Edmonton, Canada by way of the Philippines. He’s a loving husband, father of two boys, a working man who does whatever it takes to make an honest living to care for his family.
A few years ago, I had the chance to see in person an entire storage basement full of sneakers, jerseys, and sports memorabilia. And after having this conversation, it reminded me of the importance of culture, no matter what form it takes, in helping us come together, and integrate with the world around us.
Air Pounds
Kobe Sneakers
Air Pippens
Air Up Tempos
Nike Penny Hardaway
Sneaker Violence
Virgil Abloh
Investing in Sneakers
Kobe Grinch
Jordan 10
Defining Moments Pack
The Question, Reebok

Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
River has a passion for holistic teaching. Beginning with her experience with the Wilderness Youth Project, and now with her work teaching at a Waldorf Elementary School where I met her as a new addition to the after-care program.
While teaching early childhood students at the school, she also trains to officially become a Waldorf Education teacher. As a graduate from UC Santa Barbara, she earned a Bachelors's Degree in Feminist studies. Some of the many experiences that she graciously shares on this episode include traveling abroad to Thailand where she studied Buddhist Social Theory, and was welcomed to spend time around an all-women sect of Buddhist monks.
When she's not teaching she can be found sailing in the San Francisco Bay or spinning a fire hula hoop.
Fluid Dynamics
2008 Fashion
The Virgin Suicides
Felt Flower Crowns
Feminist Studies
Rachel Rabbit White
Tavi Gevandson
High School Feminist Club
Genetic Counselor
Social Dynamics
Artistry vs Science, Gender Politics
Thai Buddhist Art
Thai Buddhist Social Theory
Terra Vada Buddhist Sect (women monks)
Wilderness Youth Project
How to address curious and inquisitive children
Poison Oak
Montessori Education
Cardboard Loom
Waldorf Education
The Ohlone way
Terence McKenna
Dominator Culture
Somatic therapy
Psychedelic assisted therapy
Effects of MDMA on the brain
Trans vs Cis -gender
Generational Suffering
Existential Suffering
Fire Hula hooping
Holistic Hooping
Burning Man
Rave Culture
Poi Balls Fire
Thailand Fire performances
Rope Dart
Flow Toys
Fire Staff Performance
Dragon Staff
Save the Mermaids
Kittyhawk movement arts
bell hooks
River graciously requested and corrected some of her own comments on this episode out of respect for the communities and people mentioned in this episode. I have pasted them below and have edited them only for grammar and punctuation.
Talking about violence against gender non conforming AMAB/AMFAB (assigned female/male at birth) people/violence against trans folks— provide educational resource as well as a support resource for folks in the Bay Area who are experiencing violence for their gender expression (21-23 mins in or so). Anti trans violence and the murder of trans folks is STILL A BIG ISSUE. Even in the Bay Area trans kids are kicked out of their homes and estranged from their families. I wish I mentioned this but I did not!
GNC (gender non conforming)/transgender representation in media…I’ve noticed a lot more trans femme representation than trans masc representation (trans masculine ppl have mentioned this to me too). Also a lot less common for a non “passing” trans feminine person to be represented in media, which excludes a lot of folks who cannot access expensive gender affirming surgeries.
Forest is from MISSOURI, not Ohio or Minnesota!! Also link to Forest’s content. :) (
Reference for Thai studies: “Thai Buddhist Social Theory” by Tavivat Puntatigvivat
Tomboys of Thailand:
Also: I wrongly called ladyboys men who are embodying a feminine persona! After a quick Google search I’ve actually found that Kathoeys or Ladyboys in Thailand are transgender (amab femme). I think this may be different than tomboys, who seem to still identify as women, despite presenting as more masculine. (Marie Claire article). Both of these identities could still possibly be evolving and changing, though! Perhaps a topic for more in-depth research.

Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Meet our dear friends, Ria and Raul Pelayo. In their four years of marriage, they come forward with their struggles in starting a family due to recurring pregnancy loss.
We are also joined by my wife, my life partner - JoAnn. Both of us wanted to do an episode like this from the beginning, but couldn't conceptualize what, or how it could be done until Ria came forward with her forth miscarriage on social media. Together, we hope to provide a safe space to empower others to start their own conversations or seek help in dealing with grief, loss, trauma - the things that are hard to bring up casually, or are considered "downers" to bring up in conversation.
This was a magical episode, with many unexpected nuances happening in our surroundings, and helped with the charm of the episode, on top of Ria and Raul bringing such a light-hearted vibe to a very heavy topic for most people.
Ria and Raul have graciously offered to be a resource to those experiencing similar grief
Social Media helping empower others
Passive Family Dynamics/ Non confrontational
How to explain your suffering to someone that doesn’t know
Dealing with pressure from family to have babies
IVF treatment
D and C
How to provide space for others to express their grief?
What are other ways to help deal with emotional distress?
Resources for infertility and recurring pregnancy loss
The Silent Sorority
Fertility Docs
Infertility acronyms
How men can talk about IVF/ Recurring Pregnancy loss/ etc

Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Jethro is, what I like to call for fun, my younger brother from another mother. He’s the youngest son of my dad’s twin brother. Currently residing in Manila, by way of Cagayan de Oro Philippines. With his short stay in Manila, he immersed himself in his art within the underground hip-hop community. Through finding his artistic medium, he fixated his lens on the vibrant, unsung scene of the culture in Metro Manila.
However, his passion was only realized during a difficult time. At six foot four, he was a highly scouted youth basketball player by some of the most prestigious universities in the Philippines. As a professional basketball hopeful, his career took an abrupt stop after blowing his knee during the recruiting process. Without resources for surgery, It forced him to rethink his path. With help from his family and friends, he found his way - pulled by the gravity of a creative life. Through teaching himself the craft of editing and networking, the discipline he learned from basketball earned him some professional opportunities with film editing.
While we are similar on the surface level in an infinite number of ways, the reality is that we are also strangers to each other. I’m from the states, he’s from the Philippines. He grew up on a farm and moved to the city to connect with people. I was born in the city and sometimes work on a farm to disconnect from people (no offense).
Here in the States, many of us Filipino Americans are slowly finding our footing in reconnecting with our ancestral roots. We often find ourselves holding the idea of what it means to be a Filipino American on one side, and what it means to be a Filipino on the other. While it’s at times, the narrative of decolonizing our thoughts, our food, and our thinking, I find it difficult at times to answer some of these questions, only because they lead to more puzzling questions.
Manila/ Ph Artists | Places | Mentions
Jethro's Work
Black Market Manila
Facebook link
Cagayan De Oro
Mavs Phoenomenal Basketball - Youtube Channel
88 Rising
Youtube Channel
Rich Brian
Niki and Joji

Friday Jan 21, 2022
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Toño Ramirez is a free spirit, a truth-seeker, an explorer. I'll stop there because he, in my opinion, is only bogged down by more labels. I first met him on a trash cleanup organized by Vince of (our first guest on the podcast).
Toño (alias used for privacy purposes) earned a bachelor's degree from The Ohio State University, a master's degree from UC Berkley, and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. All degrees in his background are in the field of Mechanical Engineering.
I was hoping to have a discussion to learn about engineering, and how they might apply to set goals, to create something actionable for me and whoever listens. However, I ended up keeping my notebook closed and tucked away because what follows is something more spontaneous, honest, alive, and profound in so many ways I never expected. This conversation touches on many topics and would be beneficial for those who currently struggle or who have struggled with loneliness, compulsions and addictions, depression, or anyone questioning their self-worth.
I hope you'll hear Toño is someone that has done the work and is an example of if you look and let the universe do its thing, embrace your truth, embrace your truest self with love, that (in his words) "the universe/everything will conspire to reward you."
Please enjoy this dip into a winding river of conversation with Toño Ramirez.
Reflection on Picture Taking
Processing the holiday season
Family Life from Dallas to Mexico
Conversational manners
Anger in relation to our authentic selves
Defining unsolicited therapy sessions - being “talked at”
Helping people that don't ask
Expecting people to be a source of happiness
Expression and vitality, being in the present moment
Rethinking the human child rearing experience
The perfect child fallacy, how children develop codependency
Troika Dance Music - Russian Folk
Academic Life
Magnet School
Fighting Our Nature
Thoughts on the future of Engineering in relation to Nature
Cobalt Mines in Africa
Sedation, and the many forms of drugs
Toxic white lake - Onondaga Lake
Abundance vs scarcity
Doing nothing
Vietnam, Phong Nha Cave System
Lindsay C Gibson Author - Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
Benefits of Solitude
Child Rearing Realities
The Drama of the Gifted Child - Alice Miller
Compulsive Sex
Sensing to be in need of self
Is love an addiction?
What we deserve, to be treated as god
the river, conspires

Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Daly City is one of the closest suburbs in the outer borders of San Francisco, located directly to the South. It's home to one of the densest populations of Filipinos, anywhere outside of the Philippines, comprising 33% of the total population in a 2010 census.
From the late ’80s to the early 2000s, Daly City helped to raise some of the world's most famous DJs, and dance groups. It was a big part of the history here on the west coast for the Filipino and Hip-Hop communities.
Most of the Filipino youth here in Daly City and the Bay Area were made up of second-generation Americans. As the sons and daughters of first-generation immigrants, we were trying to find our footing, our voice, often overshadowed within the makeup of the rich, diverse culture found in San Francisco. The closest kinship we gravitated towards, at least in the people I know, identified with the Black and Latin-American music and culture of the time, weaving in our own rhythms and color palette, while forming our own community to bond us close together.
While much of this scene has somewhat been well documented, there's a cast of characters behind the scenes - around the turntables, on the dance floor, roaming the streets, soaking in the gravity of what seemed to just be a bunch of kids during that time just trying to find an identity.
This conversation scratches the surface of that scene, but puts us in the heart of it.
Kathlyn is my wife’s childhood friend. Kathlyn was born in the Bay Area and makes her living as a nurse. Her husband Tudor, is also a native of San Francisco. He manages a division of the Bay Area transit system and is a former amateur boxer. Together they are parents to two amazing girls, which you’ll hear in the background in the first part of this conversation.
We all grew up around each other throughout our teens, on parallel paths, orbiting in and around the same circles. So in a way, I can say that I’ve known these people for most of my life. In my youth, I’d see them around the same parties, which around Daly City was held in house garages, community church halls, and the several parks peppered throughout the city.
An interesting thing to mention, which gives a bit of context to some of the stories in this podcast. The way I came to know Tudor was through one of my good friend's older brother. I guess the best way to describe it would be like in the movie Dazed and Confused. In the movie, there were two groups of boys - Ben Affleck and the older ruffian kids. The older kids chased around the younger, innocent kids - eighth-graders making their way into high school. That was the age gap between us. We were the younger kids looking out for the older kids.
By no means were Tudor and his friends during that time known as bullies, but they were people you didn’t mess around with, or give any funny looks. They were to be respected, and in that regard, you get respect back, and there wouldn’t be any problems. So it was interesting at first when I found out that he and Kathlyn got together about 20 years ago. And throughout these years I’ve seen him, morph into a kind, caring, generous, respected human being, completely opposite of all the misconceptions I had of him and his friends as a youth.
We bounce through plenty of fun topics in this episode, dissecting the social compulsions of our youth, the art of the Taco Bell Mexican Pizza, and paint a vivid picture of what Daly City used to look like as a city in the 80s and 90s. Tudor also shares some fascinating stories about his life in the Bboy scene and what it takes to win in a breakdancing battle. We also get into the mobile DJ scene, and som of his experiences growing up around a gang.
So while many know the stories about the music and culture that came out of the era of the late 80s and 90s in Daly City, we are also a part of the stories within that story. And what’s offered here are just small vignettes of what a lot of Filipino youth of that era are beginning to reflect on and unpack.
Notes | Mentions:
Big Bottom Market, Guerneville, CA | Biscuits
Pizza and Pipes
How the pandemic changed celebrations
God Parenting instructions for Filipinos
Fitness USA
Daly City, CA
Good Guys
Circuit City
Montgomery ward
Street fighter II fights
Taco Bell
Mexican pizza
Best fried chicken in the bay
Piercing Pagoda
Bay Area dancing
Fiesta Islands
1990s breakdancing scene
How to C-Walk
Concrete Rockers
Bay Area Mobile Dj Scene
DJ Scotty Fox
Rhythm and Motion
Chris the Rebel
Dj Clee (Clinton Lee)
How to win a bboy battle
Bangin in Little Rock
Jumped in to Gangs

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
What is the purpose of life?
The Egg, a flash fiction story written by Andy Weir, offers a profound perspective on this age old question. If there is anything that can describe what The Quake City Portal is about, it can be found in this episode, and in stories just like The Egg.
I was deeply moved by this piece, seeing it first in video form, and then reading the story here. With so many aspects of life that fuel a divide among individuals, we need to share more stories that bring people together.
This is an essay I wrote inspired by this story, recorded in podcast form. The Egg sparked a deep dive into eye contact, my difficulties with it at times, and throughout my life. I wanted to answer the question I had - why is it (sometimes) hard to make eye contact?
Original music and score produced by The Quake City Portal.
Please read the story and accompanying video via the links below:
The Egg, by Andy Weir
The Egg, animated short story | Written by Andy Weir, Animations by Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell
Notes | Mentions:
Virtue, Aristotle
The Four Noble Truths, Buddhism
Friedrich Nietzsche | The Will to Power
As seen “emblazoned on the bodies of butterflies, birds, snakes, fish and peacocks, whose eye-shaped patterns are thought to mimic the eyes of predators and thus induce an avoidance response” (Grumet, 1983).
REM Sleep
“override all other information should any of it conflict with the visual sense” (Freese, 1977)
Ivan Ramen
Hermann Hesse | Demian
Chris Voss | Never Split the Difference
Matt Ridley | The Rational Optimist
Carl Jung

Friday Dec 17, 2021
Friday Dec 17, 2021
Ernesto Pineda has over 20 years of experience in the Real Estate and Real Estate Tech industry. He is an entrepreneur, a business advisor, and an artist at heart. With his life-long love for books, art and travel, he uses his experience to merge his professional and creative endeavors. He has a passion for learning through experience, conversation and interacting with his environment.
Notes | Mentions:
Correction: Japanese Joinery (sorry, at a loss for words in that moment)
El Salvador Civil War Documentary
What we learn through traveling alone
Arturo Perez-Reverte | Captain Alatriste
Alexandre Dumas | Count of Monte Cristo | The Three Musketeers
Graham Greene
John Le Carre
Daniel Silva
Lean Manufacturing Principles
Jim Butcher | Dresden Files
Brad Thor
How businesses achieve brand authenticity
On Sales as a vehicle for learning and changing your mind
Revenue Operations
Temple Grandin | How She Changed the Cattle Industry
Richard Feynman
Vincent Van Gough
Ian Johnson
Digital Nest
Ernesto's writing can be found here:
Finding Commonalities Is The First Brushstroke Of Inclusive Workplaces
A New Approach To Building The Consumer Journey

Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
We are joined by some family and friends in a place near and dear to all from far and wide, especially those of us from the Bay Area - Lake Tahoe! This was a fun one to do. Join us around the table for an after dinner discussion about modern sexuality, identity preferences, and more!
Please note there is some explicit content about sexuality, nothing graphic, but listener discretion is advised. Thank you for listening!
Tahoe Spiral Podcast Notes:
pronouns/ LGBTQ (etc)
Impact of calling people by name
Correcting people when they call you by the wrong name
Non verbal communication
Defending your name
Partying in our late 30s/ 40s
Being raised in a Bilingual family
Dj scene before the internet/ Serato
Mike Boo
Dj Shortkut
Krazy Kids Radio
DJ Am / A Track
Invisibl Skratch Piklz
Dj Swiftrock
Marcella’s Lasagneria
Sponsored by LIMINAL COFFEE - Makers of the most delicious small batch coffee! Promoters of physical activity and social connection through the shared experience of drinking coffee.

Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Marlon S Payumo, Sr. is the general manager of Mitchell's Ice Cream Shop in San Francisco, CA. He arrived in the United States when he was twenty years old, and has been working there since 1988. Among the many things we touch upon in this conversation, he shares his hardships as a child growing up in the Philippines, his experiences in dealing with the transition of moving to another country, speaking a new language, hard work, and resilience.
NOTES | Mentions:
SFGate Article - Mitchell's Ice Cream and Filipino Flavors
Buckskin Revolution, Woniya Thibeault - Ancestral Skills Resource
Alone, Television Reality Series
Robert Walter Johnson
Arthur Ashe
Althea Gibson
Levels of the Game, John McPhee
Mitchell’s Ice Cream
Silicon Valley
Little Manila In Stockton
Little Manila, Daly City
San Francisco Forty Niners, Team of the 80’s
St. Mary’s Rec Center
How language shapes the way we think